Field Notes from A Change and Transition Strategist

Ron Ames: Filmmaker/Change and Transition Strategist

Auckland, New Zealand 10/15/2020

I have always been fascinated by tools, their gleaming physical quality, the beauty of a purpose-built design. My love of tools, technology, and the nature of how things interconnect is my life’s work. In the film business, I build workflows and pipelines to manifest creative storytelling. In my role as a Certified Change and Transition Strategist, I use The Moffitt Method to help individuals and groups discover perspectives and means to skillfully and intentionally manage change and transition in the unfolding of their lives.

Like my well-worn physical tools that I use to build things, and my digital tools that I use to create fantastical film images, the tools that I employ as a Change and Transition Strategist are dependable, elegant and powerful. Some are simple and easily utilized and some are more complex. Like all works of craft, the use of the tools for change must be engaged in a wise way with skill and a sensitive touch. That is the art of Change and Transition Strategy.

Cartologists use compasses, angles and fine pens to describe the world they see. Navigators use chronographs and sextants to find their place in time and space. The navigation tools used by Change and Transition Strategists help us find where we are in our current change and on our life path.

We start right where we are, right here, right now. We look for the question. We learn to love the question and not concern ourselves with an answer. The question rebounds and echoes around the room. It takes patience and courage to stay with the question.

Armed with a question, we use a series of clear analytics to discover where we are in our adult development. What are our goals and values? Are we fulfilled? What are our unmet needs and longings? The Moffitt Method’s analytic tools have been built with wisdom and have been tested and proven for clarity and efficacy. The process helps lead us to clear direction.

We delve into the shadow side of our lives, leaving no part out. We leave behind “shoulds” and “coulds” and instead we look for real possibility, finding the path to get from here to there. All costs are weighed so decisions and actions can be taken.

Two unique developments of The Moffitt Method are the map of The Journey through Change and The Path to Well Being. These maps allow us to know exactly where we are on the great adventure of our lives. Knowing where we are and what to expect provides great comfort and helps us to move forward with surety, even in difficult circumstances.

Some of the other tools we enlist are knowing the difference between ambivalence and ambiguity. Both of these factors can lead to inaction and missing opportunity. Change and Transition Strategists guide individuals and companies in coming to terms with ambivalence and ambiguity and to boldly make decisive, creative decisions.

In the chaos of both personal and creative endeavors, a simple but powerful tool is the pause. In moments of emotion, conflict, confusion, great excitement, joy or a creative breakthrough, we pause, breathe and reflect. We allow insight to arise to inform a skillful response. This tool, well-practiced has personally helped me on numerous occasions and kept me from adverse consequences.

As so many of the people who have availed themselves of sessions with a Change and Transition Strategist will tell you, these methods and tools really work. The collaboration between client and Strategist creates possibilities for great intentional change and helps us face change that arises from unexpected causes and conditions.

I bear witness to the importance of living life intentionally. My own life changes and transitions are rich and exciting. When anxiety and insecurity arise, I have strategies and tools to effect positive change. I encourage you to attend a Change and Transition Workshop or work with a Strategist. Learn that change can be met with strength and resilience. Find your own power to change. If you are in the midst of change and need guidance, work with a Change and Transition Strategist. You don’t need to face change alone and unprepared.

Ron Ames is a filmmaker, meditation teacher, and a Change and Transition Strategist. Since training with Phillip Moffitt and becoming a certified Change & Transition Strategist, Ron has been leading workshops and working with private clients and companies to build their capacity to make skillful changes.