Tools of the Trade

Field Notes from A Change and Transition Strategist Ron Ames: Filmmaker/Change and Transition Strategist Auckland, New Zealand 10/15/2020 I have always been fascinated by tools, their gleaming physical quality, the beauty of a purpose-built design. My love of tools, technology, and the nature of how things interconnect is my life’s work. In the film business, [...]

2020-12-04T16:52:33-08:00By |

Good Transitions Take Time

This is my message to you.  You have time. You can settle in with this.  You can sit and think and sigh and wonder. You can squirm.  You can live in the past and imagine the future.  You can do nothing. You need to do nothing.  To do this right, you need to do nothing.  [...]

2020-11-03T16:34:50-08:00By |

Not on My Terms

How often does life not go our way? When we really pay attention, is it every day, every minute? While we may not want to accept it, impermanence is a natural law of the universe. We are now living through a particularly powerful moment in life. History is amplifying our experience of ‘not on my [...]

2020-10-05T12:12:20-07:00By |

Embracing Change

To everything (turn, turn, turn) There is a season (turn, turn, turn) And a time to every purpose, under heaven The Byrds In the work I do as a Change & Transition Strategist and workshop leader, it’s become apparent to me how modern life encourages a blurring of the seasons (outer and inner); those rhythms [...]

2020-09-01T18:34:45-07:00By |

What Change and Transition is Next in Your Life?

"Most people resist change, even when it promises to be for the better. But change will come, and if you acknowledge this simple but indisputable fact of life, and understand that you must adjust to all change, then you will have a head start." Arthur Ashe (Days of Grace: A Memoir) Change is inevitable. Change [...]

2020-08-05T09:25:22-07:00By |